136 N. Bridge Street, Dimondale, MI  48821

September 16, 2021

7:00 p.m. Meeting called to order by Chairperson Ammarman

Roll Call

Present:  Ammarman, Bogi, Reznick, Slucter, Verlinde

Absent:  none   

Also Present:  James Gallagher, Village Manager; Betsy Kelly, Recording Secretary.  

Approval of Agenda

Motion by Reznick, second Slucter, to approve the agenda as presented.  Motion carried.

Consent Agenda

Motion by Reznick, second Slucter, to approve the consent agenda including Treasurer’s Reports and bills totaling $86,438.90 for June 17, July 15, August 19 and September 16, 2021; and minutes from the May 20, 2021 meeting.  Motion carried.


Gallagher noted that Hughes was not in attendance and reported on the improvement in Ball Septic’s discharge numbers, insurance claim receipt on the Bridge Street lift station and receipt of the energy audit from MMRWA.  Ammarman requested a written report from Hughes.  

Reznick provided a Village report.

Slucter provided a Township report.

Open to the Public

No comments were received.   

Old Business

No old business was presented.                                        

New Business    

1.  Motion by Slucter, second Reznick, to appoint Ammarman Chairperson for a term to expire July 2023.  Motion carried.  Motion by Ammarman, second Reznick, to appoint Slucter Vice Chairperson for a term to expire July 2023.  Motion carried.  

2.  Gallagher requested clarification on patio seating and REU charges with respect to the  

recent outdoor seating expansion at Dimes Brew House.  The Board members agreed to maintain the current policy of not charging patio seating as extra REU’s.  


With no additional business, Ammarman adjourned the meeting at 7:12 p.m.