The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Supervisor Slucter with the Pledge of Allegiance. 

Present:  Slucter, Rumsey, Fritts, Myers, Piper, Pray and Pisano

Absent:  None


Slucter moved Piper seconded to amend the Agenda, adding Mike Ross Presentation on Cleaning of Veteran’s Headstone at West Windsor Cemetery under New Business and after Hear Public Present on any Subject add Closed Sessions for pending litigation and legal opinions and approve agenda as amended.  Carried 7-0.


Piper moved and Fritts seconded to approve the Consent Agenda.  Carried 7-0.

General Fund consisting of Voucher #33603 through Voucher #33646 equaling: $49,542.49 plus digital transfers and payments of $999.92 making a Grand Total of $50,542.41. 


Payroll Report consisting of Voucher #42023 through #42040 and Direct Deposit #DD2715 through #DD2774 plus digital payments for a Grand Total of 67,424.72. 




Sheriff’s Report:  Deputy Holliday reported on incidents in the township.


     Planning Commission:  Meeting tomorrow evening, discussion continuing on Master Plan update.


     Sewer Board:  None


     Emergency Service Department:  Chief Miller reported: 1) Today, our jeep, engine 11-51 and an ambulance were onsite at Michigan State Police Head Quarters for a Safety Day.  There were eight Windsor Township Emergency Services personnel working, with one spending a couple of hours greeting children wearing the State Fire Marshal’s Sparky outfit.  2) Assisted Delhi Township on a structure fire at Delhi Manor Mobile Home Park.


     Assessor/Preston Community Services:  July Board of Review was completed and 25 corrections were made.


     Supervisor’s Report:  Warrants were served for junk cars and two abandoned houses for dangerous building action.


Public Officials:

County Commissioner Dairus Reynnet – Eaton County has taken Connect Michigan’s offer in bringing broadband into communities within Eaton County.  They will be performing a surveying of the wants and needs to our communities.  A kick off meeting will be Wednesday, September 1st at 4:00 pm. 


     Other Reports & Announcements:  On August 3rd, a Potterville School Bond Proposal Special Election was held.  There was a low turnout of only 15%.


Hear Public Present for Agenda Items:  None


Unfinished Business:  None


New Business:

Mike Ross, an Eagle Scout, introduced himself and has offered to clean veteran headstones at the West Windsor Cemetery as a service project.  Mike has done his research on cleaning headstones from the US Department of Veterans Affairs.  An after picture of a headstone that had been cleaned was shown. 


Discussion was held on the Township’s Annual Audit Report. 


In accordance with MCL 15.568 Section 8 of Act 152 of 2011, Rumsey moved and Piper seconded to opt out of the 80/20 program for eligible employee’s health insurance and pay 100% of the premium for the 9/01/2021 thru 8/31/2022 period.  Carried 7-0.


Hear Public Present on any subject:

Nathan Kark, Director of Government Affairs for Green Peak Industries and SkyMint Brands gave an update on the Harvest Park and Summit facilities.


Rumsey moved and Pisano seconded to enter into closed session to consult with the Township Attorney regarding trial or settlement strategy in connection with pending litigation, Scott M. Carlson v Windsor Charter Township, Case No. 20-000998-CZ. 

Roll Call was taken: 

Ayes: Pisano, Pray, Fritts, Slucter, Rumsey, Piper and Myers

Nays:  None


Township Board went into closed session at 7:12 pm


Came out of closed session at 8:09 pm.


Rumsey moved and Slucter seconded to enter into closed session to consider legal advice presented in a written legal opinion drafted by the Township Attorney in connection with a potential township inter local government agreement.

Roll Call was taken:

Ayes:  Myers, Piper, Rumsey, Slucter, Fritts, Pray and Pisano

Nays:  None


Rumsey moved and Pray seconded to enter into closed session to consider legal advice presented in a written legal opinion drafted by the Township Attorney in connection with emergency services personnel compensation.

Roll Call was taken: 

Ayes: Pisano, Pray, Fritts, Slucter, Rumsey, Piper and Myers

Nays:  None


Township Board went into closed session at 8:10 pm


Came out of closed session at 9:00 pm.


With no further business Supervisor Slucter adjourned the meeting at 9:01 pm.


                                                                                    Lisa A. Rumsey

                                                                                    Windsor Charter Township Clerk